Friday, December 28, 2007

Come early morning

Come early morning
You helped me on my feet
Everything's okay now
and I'd like just to laugh
Happy or just satisfied
I don't know
But the lips of the moon are smiling
That I'm very sure of..

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Funny how some things get lost in the wind..

A romantic and a dreamer
physically captured,
mentally loaded.
Great feelings of expectancy
resulted in absent delight.
Got lost in reverie while
the tangents are still dancing
Windy life is, and sometimes
we loose our umbrellas

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Sorgblíðir regndropar á ferð
Nocturnið ljómar, lurta brátt..
Dansandi skuggar á gráum degi
Ørkymlandi teir leita eftir mær

Friday, December 7, 2007

Yet another fantastic moment:)

In "fantastic moments" I talked about these lovely things that sometimes occur in everyday life, and yesterday I experienced yet another one of these:)....
At the moment I'm home visiting familiy and friends ( I live in a diffrent city ) and yesterday evening me and a friend went for a ride..It's her boyfriend's car and he has this very unstabil CD player, who only sometimes gives us permission to hear music hehe..well yesterday the CDplayer wasn't so bad..we put a burnt CD in it, and it turned out to be a mixed CD with several hits from me younger years: Backstreet Boys, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Bomfunk MC's etc...What a nostalgic trip!! Happy as we were, remembering are youth, we sang and sang all these was great...I do think this is something everyone should do once in a while, eventhough they're "past" their "britney", "Korn" etc. phase:)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Var Freud glaður?

Var Freud glaður?

Vit leita og leita og finna
Hvat finna vit?
Vitan, vald og viðurkenning
eru bert síðsti liður í “lív”
Gleði, nærvera og vælnøgd
tað sanna, vakra og góða
Vit seta spurdómar
so sum “Hvat er meiningin við lívinum?”
Vit druknað okkum í heilaspuna
Tá alt kemur til alt
snýr tað seg so ikki bert um at verða glaður?

fantastic moments

Sometimes I wish my everyday life contained more weird know, the ones you'll always remember with a smile on your lip..I love these strange happenings that occur when you least expect them to...e.g. on this years best day on the festival was Tuesday - eventhough the festival actually didn't started until on Thursday!!..Tuesday evening we went to a tent where reggaemusic was played..( let me remind you - I had absolutely noooo expectations to this evening )...we had some drinks during the night which might explain our( mine at least) euphoric/joyful and my girlfriend danced the whole night and it was absolutely fantastic - I've never had such a relaxing feeling before...We danced together, me and her, on a quite high cement"hill" and in the matter of short time several people joined us..australians, englishmen, americans etc..we just danced together, everybody so happy...
I also remember once, some years ago, that me and three friends decided to celebrate new years eve ( a part of it ) in Hovi..let's just say..Hovi is a very small village hehe..this New Year turned out to one of my funniest and most memorable ones..funny accually, because we were only four girls together in a very small place, drunk and weird, and we had such a good time....
Once me and two other friends of mine went sailing, or it's perhaps wrong to put i that way.. we went out in a small rubber dinghy haha..that was also hilarious...
Hmmm...I'd wish more of these things would happen today..I miss feeling so joyful about odd lovely stuff:)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Moments of clear-sightedness

The moments of clear-sightedness
come like a punch in the face
Neither warnings nor mercy
are being given
Under the shower or in a café
the place is irrelevant.
Get defeated or rise in rebellion
It's an individual struggle
and the future prospects are blurry

Søgan um dreymin

áðrenn orð vóru orð
og fyrsti andin varð drigin
varð fyrsti dreymurin føddur
Hann var til
áðrenn menniskjan byrjaði at droyma
og áðrenn heimurin var í litum
Skaparin skapti hann
fyri at gera skapan møguliga

við at droyma gerst heimurin nevniliga vakur
tað lovi eg